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Magic Makers

Who We Are

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Angela Wilson

Divine Heart Yoga & Adventures

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Adelaide Marcus

Magic Maker

Adelaide celebrates life through art, expressive movement, and empowering others. Adelaide’s unique way of being are a reflection of her commitment to sharing what she loves with the world. She has performed and taught worldwide, produced numerous events, created hundreds of visionary paintings and taught countless classes. Recently, she’s combined “Womb Wisdom” with her Belly Dance classes and workshops to bring forward the nourishing sacred aspects of this feminine ritual.


Heidi Denkers

Magic Maker

Heidi is passionate about sacred space and connection. She enjoys holding space to offer the chance to connect to ourselves, and each other, through curiosity, art, play, drama, dance, music, poetry, and ritual. She is a Witch, a poet, a guide, a reiki practitioner, and a certified Spiritual Counselor and Earth Steward.


Heidi holds a MA in Expressive Art Therapy through C.I.I.S., Studied sacred ritual with Ylva from the Cunning Crow Apothecary and is on the path to be a Neurodynamic Breathwork Facilitator among other magical mystical power's.


Lisa Rose

Product Manager

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​inspired by divine heart yoga ~ © 2023

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